From AI-wareness to AI-mazing Education


Over the past year, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the education system has grown significantly. More teachers, students, and parents are now aware of AI tools like ChatGPT and are using them regularly. Despite this widespread use, there remains a significant gap in formal policies and training to support AI in education. In this blog, I breakdown the recent research poll from Impact research looking at the current state of AI usage in schools, perceptions and attitudes towards AI, the challenges and benefits of AI integration, and the future directions for educators.

Current State of AI Usage

A recent survey conducted by Impact Research highlights that AI is becoming increasingly intertwined with our education system. Nearly everyone surveyed has heard of AI tools, with three-quarters of respondents saying they are at least somewhat familiar with ChatGPT​​. Usage has also increased dramatically; for instance, there has been a 26-point rise in the number of K-12 students using ChatGPT weekly since last year​​.

Teachers are using AI for a variety of tasks. The most common uses include generating creative ideas for classes (37%), lesson planning (32%), and creating quizzes or tests (32%)​​. However, when it comes to grading and reviewing student work, only 18% of teachers find AI helpful​​.

Perceptions and Attitudes Towards AI

Despite a slight uptick in negative views, the overall sentiment towards AI in education remains positive. As the survey reports, "While negative views of AI have crept up over the last year, students, teachers, and parents feel very positive about it in general. On balance, they see positive uses for the technology in school, especially if they have used it themselves"​​.

Interestingly, those who have not used AI are more likely to view it negatively, with 19% of teachers seeing AI chatbots as having a negative impact compared to only 7% last year​​. On the other hand, those familiar with AI recognise its legitimate educational uses and the potential benefits it offers. For example, 75% of K-12 students believe AI can help them learn more and faster​​.

Challenges and Concerns

One of the most significant challenges highlighted by the survey is the lack of formal policies on AI usage in schools. Most K-12 teachers (52%), parents (49%), and students (34%) reported that their schools do not have any policies regarding AI, and there is a strong demand for policies that encourage thoughtful AI integration​​. This "AI vacuum" leads to unauthorised use of AI tools, as students and teachers figure out AI usage on their own without guidance.

Teachers also face challenges related to student concentration (26%), behavior (21%), and engagement (15%)​​. In addition, concerns about data privacy (32%), potential biases in AI (27%), and the lack of professional development on AI usage (34%) are prevalent, particularly among older teachers​​.

Benefits of AI Integration

Despite these challenges, AI offers numerous benefits that can enhance teaching and learning. Teachers who use AI report that it helps students learn faster and more efficiently. The survey finds that "AI’s most positive impact on students is efficiency and productivity, regardless of what grade they teach"​​. 49% of teachers stated that AI helps students learn faster and more, which is the most cited positive impact​​.

Additionally, AI can significantly reduce the time teachers spend on routine tasks, allowing them to focus more on instruction and providing valuable feedback to students. Studies show that teachers using AI save an average of 13 hours per week on routine work​​.

Future Directions

Given the growing presence of AI in education, it is crucial to develop comprehensive policies and training programs to support its effective and ethical use. Here are some recommendations for educators and policymakers:

  1. Develop Clear AI Policies:

    • Schools should create explicit guidelines on AI usage to ensure it is used effectively and ethically. These policies should encourage the thoughtful integration of AI while addressing concerns about privacy and data security.

  2. Provide Professional Development:

    • Comprehensive training programs are essential to equip teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to use AI tools effectively. Training should cover both technical skills and strategies for integrating AI into the curriculum. Notably, 57% of teachers have not received any training on AI chatbots, and 55% of those would like to receive training​​.

  3. Focus on Equity and Accessibility:

    • Ensure that AI tools are accessible to all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background. Schools should provide the necessary resources and support to ensure equitable access to AI technology. For example, urban and wealthier parents report higher usage rates of AI chatbots for their children​​.

  4. Implement Monitoring and Evaluation Systems:

    • Establish systems to monitor and evaluate the impact of AI on education. This includes assessing student outcomes, engagement, and the effectiveness of AI tools in various educational contexts.

  5. Engage Parents in AI Education:

    • Involve parents in discussions about AI and its role in education. Provide resources to help them understand how AI can support their children's learning and address any concerns they may have. For instance, 69% of parents believe AI chatbots are valuable tools for helping their children learn more and faster​​.


The integration of AI in education presents both challenges and opportunities. While there are concerns about data privacy, bias, and the lack of professional development, the potential benefits of AI are significant. By developing clear policies, providing comprehensive training, and ensuring equitable access, educators can harness the power of AI to enhance teaching and learning. As the survey concludes, "AI chatbots have the potential to help teachers grow and students learn more and faster"​​. Embracing AI thoughtfully and strategically can transform the educational landscape, preparing students for a future where AI plays an integral role in their personal and professional lives.

You can access the IMPACT Research report here

Alex Gray

Alex Gray is the Head of Science at an outstanding British School in Dubai. He holds a BSc, PGCE, Masters of Education and NPQLTD. He is cohost of the International Classroom Podcast and Founder of DEEP Professional.


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