In a recent LinkedIn conversation with educator Leon Furze, we discussed the provocative idea that teachers might need to become proficient in computer science to navigate the rapidly evolving educational landscape. This discussion came from my own experience with a computer scientist who advised me on using a fewshot and zeroshot approach in crafting more effective AI prompts. These interactions underscore a growing realisation in the education community: the lines between traditional subject areas are blurring, and interdisciplinary skills are becoming increasingly crucial.

Pat Yongpradit recently summarised Ethan Mollick from his keynote at #ISTELive, where he made two thought-provoking statements: "Baseline knowledge, expertise, training, and education matter more than ever in an age of AI" and "Every educator is now a coder." These assertions highlight the seismic shifts occurring in education as we grapple with the implications of artificial intelligence. But what do they really mean for the future of teaching and learning?

As we explore these questions, it's important to approach them with an open mind, considering both the potential benefits and challenges of integrating computer science and AI literacy into the broader educational curriculum. In this blog, I’m going to look at the implications of these changes and what they mean for educators, students, and the future of learning.

The Case for Interdisciplinary Learning

Mollick's statements underscore a crucial point: in an AI-driven world, the ability to integrate knowledge from multiple disciplines is more important than ever. This brings us to the heart of a long-standing debate in education: the drawbacks of siloed learning versus the benefits of interdisciplinary approaches.

Traditionally, schools have compartmentalised subjects, teaching them in isolation. This approach, while administratively convenient, has significant drawbacks:

  1. It creates unnecessary competition between departments

  2. It hinders effective communication and innovation

  3. It results in fragmented learning experiences for students

In contrast, interdisciplinary learning offers numerous benefits:

  1. It allows students to explore a wider range of topics and understand multiple viewpoints

  2. It develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills by engaging students with complex, real-world problems

  3. It promotes a more comprehensive, integrated understanding of the world

  4. It better prepares students for the interdisciplinary nature of many careers and challenges they will face

The New Foundation: Computational Thinking

Mollick's assertion that "every educator is now a coder" doesn't necessarily mean that all teachers need to become programming experts. Rather, it suggests that computational thinking - the problem-solving approach that underpins computer science - is becoming a fundamental skill across all disciplines.

This aligns with the idea of identifying a "durable foundation of knowledge" in computer science that all students should learn, regardless of their future career paths. Just as we teach all students basic math, science, and history, we need to ensure that all students have a foundational understanding of computational concepts and skills.

Specialised Pathways and Interdisciplinary Combinations

While a foundational understanding of computer science is crucial, the future of education likely lies in offering more specialised pathways based on students' interests and passions. To facilitate this, teachers will need to develop new skills and adapt their teaching approaches. Here are some key areas where teachers will need to evolve:

  1. Curriculum Design: Teachers will need to create interdisciplinary units that seamlessly integrate computer science concepts with other subjects.

  2. Instructional Delivery: The ability to model interdisciplinary thinking and guide students through complex, multi-faceted problems will be crucial.

  3. Content Knowledge: Teachers will need a broad understanding of core concepts across multiple disciplines, including basic computational principles.

  4. Pedagogical Flexibility: Open-ended exploration and project-based learning will become more important than ever.

  5. Assessment Expertise: Developing tools to evaluate students' interdisciplinary thinking and problem-solving skills will be essential.

  6. Collaboration Skills: Teachers will need to work closely with colleagues across departments to create cohesive, integrated learning experiences.

  7. Growth Mindset: A commitment to continuous learning and adaptation will be crucial as the educational landscape continues to evolve.

The Path Forward

As we navigate this, it's clear that the role of teachers will change. Rather than being siloed experts in single subjects, teachers of the future will need to be interdisciplinary facilitators, guiding students as they explore the intersections between different fields of knowledge.

This shift presents both challenges and opportunities. It will require significant investment in teacher training and professional development. It will also necessitate a reimagining of school structures and curricula to facilitate more interdisciplinary learning.

However, the potential benefits are immense. By breaking down silos and embracing interdisciplinary approaches, we can create more engaging, relevant, and effective learning experiences. We can better prepare our students for a world where AI is ubiquitous and the ability to integrate knowledge from multiple fields is invaluable.

In this new world, the most successful educators will be those who can bridge disciplines, foster computational thinking across all subjects, and guide students in applying their knowledge to solve complex, real-world problems. It's a tall order, but it's also an exciting opportunity to reshape education for the AI age.

Alex Gray

Alex Gray is the Head of Science at an outstanding British School in Dubai. He holds a BSc, PGCE, Masters of Education and NPQLTD. He is cohost of the International Classroom Podcast and Founder of DEEP Professional.


From AI-wareness to AI-mazing Education