Integrating Learning and Behavioural Design | The International Classroom Podcast.

TL;DL (Too Long; Didn't Listen): A Comprehensive Overview of Justin Germishuys’ Podcast on TIC podcast

Welcome to a special recap of our podcast episode with Justin. This blog post is crafted for those who might not have the time to listen to the full episode but are eager to absorb the insights on learning and behaviour design integrated with AI.

Crafting Engaging Learning Experiences

Learning experience designers play a pivotal role in shaping impactful learning experiences for corporate environments. They combine educational principles with elements of UX and psychology to create immersive and effective learning opportunities. For example, they use behavioral design to influence recycling behavior through the strategic placement of recycling bins, showcasing the power of design in shaping behavior.

Incorporating Behavioral Design in Teaching

Educators can leverage behavioral design frameworks such as COM-B to enhance their teaching practices. By understanding the factors that influence motivation, teachers can create environments that foster intrinsic motivation. This can be achieved by providing opportunities, resources, and support to students, ultimately resulting in more engaged and motivated learners. Complex models like the theoretical domains framework offer a comprehensive approach to understanding motivation in an educational context.

Augmenting Learning with Technology

Technology offers a wealth of possibilities for enhancing critical thinking skills and cognition. Natural language processing and basic AI can be harnessed to supplement cognitive abilities, opening up new avenues for effective learning. Furthermore, the integration of behavioral design and technology presents an opportunity to transcend the limitations of traditional adult education, paving the way for more interactive and personalized learning experiences.

Reimagining Performance in Education

Performance in education extends beyond the acquisition of skills to encompass the achievement of tangible results. With the advent of AI, there is a paradigm shift in the educational landscape. AI streamlines learning processes, reducing friction and empowering learners to undertake complex tasks with confidence. This necessitates a re-evaluation of the emphasis on knowledge recall, as educators pivot towards creating engaging and impactful learning experiences.

Shifting Focus to Learning Experiences

In a departure from traditional paradigms, there is a growing emphasis on creating holistic learning experiences rather than merely imparting lessons. This shift challenges conventional views and underscores the importance of designing opportunities for comprehensive student development. By elevating the focus from lesson-driven education to experience-driven learning, educators can cultivate a dynamic and engaging environment for learners.

Harnessing Technology for Cognitive Extensions

The concept of the extended mind hypothesis posits that humans assimilate the world into their cognitive processes, effectively extending their minds into the external environment. With the rise of AI, individuals are developing new cognitive abilities and leveraging technology to augment their skills. From mnemonic devices to AI-powered tools, technology is reshaping cognitive landscapes, offering exciting possibilities for expanding cognitive functions.

Embracing Technology for Enhanced Learning

The intersection of technology and learning presents both opportunities and challenges. While advancements in technology hold the promise of optimising children's development, there is a nuanced discussion around the impact of these advancements. As technological strides accelerate, educators need to navigate the balance between accessibility and innovation, ensuring that technology enriches the learning journey while preserving the value of traditional cognitive apprenticeship.

Mastering Behavioral Design Principles

In incorporating behavioral design principles into educational practices, exploring resources such as COM-B and newsletters like Habit Weekly and Behavior Bites can yield valuable insights from the behavioral science community. Additionally, delving into thought-provoking concepts such as the extended mind hypothesis and its intersection with diverse disciplines can provide enriching perspectives on cognitive augmentation and learning.

Inspiring Future Generations through Design

Looking ahead, the vision for the future of education involves an amalgamation of learning design, behavioral design, and AI to create powerful decision support tools. These innovative tools aim to inspire the future generation, fostering positive change and ushering in a new era of transformative education and design.


As the realms of learning and behavioral design continue to converge, the future of education holds boundless possibilities. From crafting immersive learning experiences to leveraging technological advancements for cognitive augmentation, the landscape of education is undergoing a profound transformation. By embracing these developments and remaining attuned to the synergy between design, technology, and behavioral principles, educators can chart a dynamic course towards redefining learning for the future.

Watch the full episode here:

Alex Gray

Alex Gray is the Head of Science at an outstanding British School in Dubai. He holds a BSc, PGCE, Masters of Education and NPQLTD. He is cohost of the International Classroom Podcast and Founder of DEEP Professional.


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