Unleashing Creativity in Education - The Inventor Club’s Journey

In the latest episode of the International Classroom Podcast, Ben and Aaron, co-founders of the Inventor Club, share their unique approaches to education through creativity and problem-solving. Here's a TL;DL (Too Long; Didn't Listen) summary of their enlightening conversation.

The Origins of Inventor Club

Ben Edmonds began his journey outside the conventional educational pathways when he started an international kids club focused on teaching innovation and problem-solving. The club grew out of a simple Facebook post and evolved into a hub for creative education, attracting hundreds of families. His meeting with Aaron Patching, a like-minded educator and digital leader, marked the start of a fruitful partnership aimed at nurturing creative problem-solving skills in children.

Educational Philosophy: Creativity Over Conformity

The duo’s teaching philosophy is simple yet profound: education should be about fostering creativity, not conforming to standardised tests and methods. They emphasise the importance of failure as a stepping stone to success, encouraging both students and educators to embrace mistakes as part of the learning process.

A Typical Session at Inventor Club

A session at the Inventor Club starts with a problem, not instructions. Children use simple materials to create solutions, fostering creativity and hands-on problem-solving. This approach contrasts sharply with traditional education methods, which often restrict students to repetitive, instruction-based tasks.

The Role of Technology in Education

While they champion traditional creative tools like mini whiteboards for brainstorming, Ben and Aaron also integrate modern technology such as AI and CAD in their teachings. They believe in using technology not as a replacement for traditional methods but as a complementary tool that enhances the creative process.

The Challenge of Traditional Education Systems

One of the significant challenges highlighted is the traditional education system's focus on perfection and fear of failure. This mindset inhibits genuine learning and creativity. The Inventor Club’s goal is to transform this mindset, showing that educational environments can be spaces of unrestricted exploration.

Future Aspirations

Looking forward, the Inventor Club aims to scale their impact by creating accessible, engaging educational content that can be distributed globally. They envision a world where children are equipped to tackle any problem creatively, irrespective of the resources available to them.

Final Thoughts

The episode with Ben and Aaron from the Inventor Club is a call to action for educators, parents, and policymakers to rethink the role of creativity in education. It’s about building environments that encourage trial and error, fostering the skills needed to innovate and solve problems in the 21st century.

In conclusion, the Inventor Club’s story is not just about teaching kids to think outside the box but about dismantling the box altogether. It's a testament to the power of creativity and a reminder that when it comes to education, one size does not fit all. Their journey inspires us to reimagine learning spaces as places of boundless potential, where every failure is a stepping stone to success, and every child can achieve their creative best.

Why This Matters

The insights shared by Ben and Aaron are crucial for a number of reasons:

  • Emphasising Problem-Solving Skills: In a world that's changing at breakneck speed, the ability to adapt and solve problems creatively is more valuable than ever. Educators need to foster these skills early, ensuring students can face future challenges head-on.

  • Reducing Fear of Failure: Many students avoid taking risks for fear of failing, which hampers learning and innovation. By normalizing failure in educational settings, we can encourage students to experiment and learn from their mistakes, building resilience and confidence.

  • Integrating Technology Creatively: The Inventor Club's use of technology as a creative enhancement rather than a replacement for hands-on activities offers a balanced approach that can maximize learning outcomes without sacrificing the development of fundamental skills.

  • Inspiring Global Change: Their goal to distribute creative problem-solving kits worldwide could democratize access to quality education, particularly in underserved areas. This approach has the potential to level the playing field and ignite a global creativity movement.


Ben and Aaron's work with the Inventor Club is a beacon of innovation in an education system often criticized for its rigidity and resistance to change. Their approach serves as a powerful model for how we can nurture an environment that values creativity and resilience over rote memorization and standardized testing.

As they continue to push the boundaries of what educational experiences can look like, it will be intriguing to see how their ideas evolve and inspire educators around the world to rethink how they teach, encouraging every student to think creatively and embrace challenges fearlessly.

Alex Gray

Alex Gray is the Head of Science at an outstanding British School in Dubai. He holds a BSc, PGCE, Masters of Education and NPQLTD. He is cohost of the International Classroom Podcast and Founder of DEEP Professional.


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