Empowering Diversity in Tech: Insights from the TIC Podcast with Gabi Immelman.

TL;DL (Too Long; Didn't Listen): A Comprehensive Overview of Gabi Immelman’s Podcast on AI and Human Flourishing in Education.

Welcome to a special recap of our enlightening podcast episode with Gabi Immelman. This blog post is crafted for those who might not have the time to listen to the full episode but are eager to absorb the transformative insights on AI and human connection, and their impact on education as we step into 2024.

Breaking Barriers: Empowering Diversity in the Tech World

Join Gabi Immelman, as we delve into her journey from a Silicon Valley teacher to a pioneering tech entrepreneur in South Africa. Discover her insights, challenges, and triumphs in navigating the male-dominated world of tech.

Finding Networks in Silicon Valley

Gabi Immelman's experience in the public school system in Silicon Valley uncovered the influential connections of her students' parents. Her time in the after-school and STEM programs provided valuable insights and connections, setting the stage for her transition to the tech world.

Transition to Tech Startup

Immersed in the world of engineering communities of learning, Gabi pursued a Master's in inclusive Innovation and education. Her vision for a tech startup in South Africa was born, with a focus on creating inclusive and progressive learning environments.

Empowering AI in Education

Gabi's journey began with an online coding school and evolved to encompass project-based learning rooted in coding projects. Her exploration of AI's impact on students' learning journeys and teacher facilitation highlights the integral role of technology in education.

Navigating Gender Biases

Reflecting on her experiences as a prominent female figure in the Ed Tech space, Gabi delves into the impact of societal norms and gender biases in South Africa's education and employment systems. Her insights shed light on the challenges and opportunities for women in the tech industry.

Role Models and Diversity

Addressing the importance of role models, Gabi emphasizes the need to showcase and celebrate diverse voices in the tech industry. Her insights underscore the impact of inclusive representation in inspiring future generations in the field of technology.

Resilience and Kindness in Tech

Gabi Immelman's advice to young boys emphasises the significance of resilience and empathy in the tech world. Drawing from positive psychology frameworks, she highlights the value of kindness and human flourishing as essential attributes in the tech space.

Digital Fluorishing in Education

Delving into the realm of digital environments, Gabi explores the conditions for students to flourish in the classroom and the crucial role of empathy and values in education. Her insights encompass the holistic approach needed for fostering meaningful learning experiences for young people.

Staying Ahead in Ed Tech

Gabi Immelman's wisdom on staying informed about current trends in Ed Tech and education outlines the significance of curiosity, research, and building relationships with thought leaders. Her pointers offer a roadmap for educators and tech enthusiasts to stay abreast of cutting-edge developments.

Integrating AI Competencies

Gabi's vision for integrating mixed reality experiences and AI competency in classrooms underscores the potential for transforming education. Her insights and challenges associated with bringing AI competencies into the classroom shed light on the need for purposeful integration of technology in learning.

Empowering Teachers and Communities

Gabi's approach to empowering teachers and communities through paid and free sessions exemplifies her commitment to fostering inclusive and accessible learning opportunities. Her emphasis on monetizing knowledge and hosting sessions reflects her dedication to advancing educational initiatives.

Challenging Gender Norms

Embracing the imperative need for change in the tech industry's gender diversity, Gabi Immelman's insights resonate with the quest for resilience and innovation in challenging established gender norms. Her journey epitomizes the transformative power of diversity and inclusivity in the tech world.


Gabi Immelman's journey embodies resilience, innovation, and inclusivity in the tech world, offering valuable lessons for educators, tech enthusiasts, and aspiring entrepreneurs. Her story illuminates the power of diversity and the potential for positive change in the ever-evolving landscape of technology.

Watch the full episode below or listen to it on Spotify here

Alex Gray

Alex Gray is the Head of Science at an outstanding British School in Dubai. He holds a BSc, PGCE, Masters of Education and NPQLTD. He is cohost of the International Classroom Podcast and Founder of DEEP Professional.


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