Using Artificial Intelligence in Teacher Professional Development

Over the past week I have focused on the theme of continued professional development. One of my reasons behind this was due to the lesson observations I was undertaking with my team. My recent YouTube video addresses some of this from the perspective of the observer.

Whilst thinking about the feedback and how to make it developmental so that my teachers got relevant strategies supported by evidence, I wondered whether I could use any of the prominent chatbots to help.

Teacher professional development (TPD) is crucial for the growth and success of educators in their careers. As technology continues to advance, artificial intelligence (AI) may become a popular tool used in TPD. AI can provide teachers with personalised learning experiences, analytical insights into student performance, and new teaching strategies. In this blog post, I will explore how AI could transform teacher professional development by discussing its tools and benefits as well as examining some of the challenges that come with incorporating it into education.

How can AI be used in TPD?

AI has already found its way into various industries, including education. In the field of teacher professional development (TPD), AI can provide valuable assistance to educators in several ways. Firstly, AI can help in identifying areas where teachers need improvement and tailor their learning experiences accordingly.

Additionally, AI-powered virtual assistants can answer queries related to TPD, offer personalised recommendations for training programs and suggest relevant resources that teachers may find useful. By using machine learning algorithms, these assistants get more accurate at providing targeted recommendations over time.

Another use of AI is through data analysis. Educators can collect data on student performance and use it to identify patterns that reveal gaps in a particular teaching method or material. With this information, they could then adjust their approach accordingly.

AI-powered chatbots are becoming increasingly popular within TPD as they simulate human-like conversations with users via messaging platforms. Chatbots can be programmed to deliver microlearning sessions or quizzes to aid retention of knowledge while offering immediate feedback.

Incorporating artificial intelligence into TPD offers immense possibilities for optimising teacher's capabilities while enhancing student outcomes by keeping up-to-date with pedagogical best practices through continuous learning opportunities powered by intelligent technologies

Of the AI chatbots available for use, ChatGPT is still the most popular and accessible for teachers. So how can it be used to for CPL?

How can ChatGPT be used for continued professional learning in education?

Chatgpt can be an effective tool for continued professional learning in education. One way it can be used is through creating personalised learning pathways for educators. By inputting their specific interests and goals, chatgpt can generate a pathway of resources and activities that are relevant to their needs.

Another way chatgpt can be used is through facilitating collaborative discussions among educators. Chatgpt can moderate group chats where educators discuss various topics related to their profession, share ideas, and learn from one another.

In addition, chatgpt’s ability to generate responses based on natural language processing allows for personalised feedback for educators seeking guidance or support in certain areas. For example, teachers struggling with classroom management could receive tailored advice from chatbots designed specifically for that purpose.

Furthermore, using chatgpt as part of a larger andragogy-based approach to professional development can allow educators greater autonomy over their own learning journey while also providing them with the technology needed to succeed in today's fast-paced educational landscape.

Incorporating chatgpt into continued professional learning programs has the potential to revolutionise how we approach teacher training and development in the 21st century.

What are the challenges of using ChatGPT for continued professional learning in education?

Despite the many benefits of chatgpt for continued professional learning in education, there are also some challenges to using this technology. One of the biggest challenges is ensuring that the information provided by ChatGPT is accurate and reliable.

Another challenge is ensuring that ChatGPT’s responses align with relevant pedagogical theories such as andragogy, which emphasises self-directed learning among adults. While chatbots can be programmed to understand these theories, they cannot replace a human teacher who has experience applying them in practice.

Additionally, access to technology may pose another challenge for educators seeking to use ChatGPT for professional development. Not all teachers have equal access to devices or reliable internet connections necessary for engaging with this type of platform.

Some educators may find it difficult or uncomfortable conversing with an automated system rather than interacting face-to-face with colleagues during traditional professional development activities.

While there are certainly challenges associated with using ChatGPT for continued professional learning in education, these should not overshadow its potential benefits when properly integrated into existing training programs.


Teacher Professional Development is a crucial element in ensuring that teachers are equipped with the necessary skills to provide quality education to their students. AI technology has made it possible for teachers to access personalised professional development programs tailored specifically to their needs and preferences.

AI tools such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and learning analytics have transformed teacher professional development by offering quick feedback, analysing data efficiently, and providing personalised recommendations. These benefits come with some challenges such as ethical concerns surrounding data privacy.

However, we can still embrace these technologies while addressing these issues and creating an environment where AI supports TPD instead of replacing human interaction with machines.

As we look into the future of Teacher Professional Development, it's clear that AI will continue playing a significant role in transforming this field. The integration of AI in TPD not only provides educators with new opportunities but also enhances their capabilities while keeping up-to-date on current trends and best practices.

In summary, Artificial Intelligence presents immense potential for improving Teacher Professional Development outcomes by enhancing adaptive learning approaches through personalised training methods. As more institutions incorporate AI into TPD programs globally, there is no doubt that this will revolutionise how education professionals learn throughout their careers.

Alex Gray

Alex Gray is the Head of Science at an outstanding British School in Dubai. He holds a BSc, PGCE, Masters of Education and NPQLTD. He is cohost of the International Classroom Podcast and Founder of DEEP Professional.


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