Building professional learning networks and communities of practice

Professional learning networks (PLNs) and communities of practice (CoPs) are groups of people who share a common interest, goal or profession and who interact regularly to learn from each other, exchange ideas and collaborate on projects. PLNs and CoPs can be valuable sources of support, inspiration and innovation for teachers. However, creating and sustaining such groups can be challenging, especially in the digital age where there are many options and platforms for communication and networking. In this blog post, I give five tips and strategies for developing and maintaining PLNs and CoPs that are effective, engaging and rewarding.

1. Define your purpose and goals.

Before you join or create a PLN or CoP, you should have a clear idea of why you want to participate in such a group and what you hope to achieve from it. What are your learning needs and interests? What are your professional challenges and aspirations? What kind of people do you want to connect with and learn from? How do you want to contribute to the group? Having a clear purpose and goals will help you choose or create a group that aligns with your needs and expectations, as well as communicate them to others.

2. Choose your platform and tools.

Depending on your purpose and goals, you may want to use different platforms and tools to create or join a PLN or CoP. For example, you may want to use social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook to follow or connect with people who share your interests or profession, or join existing groups or communities on these platforms. You may also want to use online platforms such as Edmodo, Moodle or Google Classroom to create or join more structured and formal groups or courses that offer specific learning opportunities and activities. Additionally, you may want to use tools such as blogs, podcasts, webinars or newsletters to share your insights, experiences or resources with others, or access such content from others.

3. Engage in meaningful interactions.

To make the most of your PLN or CoP, you should engage in meaningful interactions with other members that foster learning, collaboration and innovation. You should participate actively in discussions, debates, questions and answers that relate to your purpose and goals. You should also initiate or join projects, challenges or events that allow you to apply your learning, showcase your skills or create something new with others. You should also celebrate your achievements and successes with others, as well as acknowledge their contributions and accomplishments.

4. Reflect and evaluate.

To ensure that your PLN or CoP is meeting your needs and expectations, you should reflect on your participation and evaluate its impact on your learning and professional development. You should ask yourself questions such as: What have I learned from this group? How have I improved my skills or knowledge? How have I contributed to the group? How have I benefited from the group? How can I improve my participation or performance? How can I help others in the group? You should also seek feedback from others in the group on how they perceive your participation and impact.

5. Adapt and evolve.

As your learning needs and interests change over time, so should your PLN or CoP. You should be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances, opportunities and challenges that may affect your group. You should also be proactive in seeking new connections, resources or learning opportunities that may enhance your group. You should also be open to leaving or changing groups that no longer serve your purpose or goals.


Building and maintaining a professional learning network or community of practice can provide valuable opportunities for growth, collaboration, and support. By identifying your interests and goals, connecting with like-minded professionals, and engaging in regular communication and collaboration, you can build a strong network that will help you stay current and advance your career. A thriving community of practice can provide access to new ideas, support, and professional development opportunities, leading to a more fulfilling and successful career. So, start building your network or community today and enjoy the many benefits it can offer.

Alex Gray

Alex Gray is the Head of Science at an outstanding British School in Dubai. He holds a BSc, PGCE, Masters of Education and NPQLTD. He is cohost of the International Classroom Podcast and Founder of DEEP Professional.


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