Enhancing Educational Excellence: The Art of Professional Noticing in Teacher Observation and Development

DEEP is about Developing Education through Enhancing Performance, and one way we’ve found to do that, is through professional noticing - the art of actively observing and reflecting on what's happening in your classroom, and using that information to improve your teaching practice. In this blog post, we'll explore why professional noticing is so important for teacher observation and development, as well as strategies for honing your observation skills and providing meaningful feedback to support teacher growth. So grab a cup of coffee (or tea!) and join us on this journey towards becoming a more effective educator through the power of professional noticing!

Definition of Professional Noticing

Professional noticing is an innovative approach to teacher observation and development that involves honing in on specific moments in the classroom. It's a focused way of paying attention to what's happening and using those observations as opportunities for growth.

At its core, professional noticing is about developing a keen awareness of the nuances of teaching practice. This includes everything from how students are engaging with material to the ways in which teachers are delivering instruction.

It's important to note that professional noticing isn't just about identifying areas for improvement; it's also about recognising strengths and building upon them. By taking a closer look at what works well, teachers can develop strategies for amplifying their successes.

Professional noticing is all about being intentional with our observations so that we can use them to inform our teaching practices. With this approach, we're able to gain insights into what makes effective teaching tick and apply those learnings across all aspects of our work in education.

Developing Effective Observation Skills for Teacher Growth

As a teacher, observing and analysing your own teaching style is an essential part of professional growth. It can help you identify areas where you need improvement, make changes to improve student learning outcomes, and become a more effective educator.

To develop effective observation skills for teacher growth, the first step is to set clear goals for yourself. Identify what specific aspects of your teaching practice you want to focus on improving and use those as the basis for your observations.

Next, it's important to be intentional in how you observe yourself in action. Consider recording or videoing yourself during lessons so that you can go back and analyse the footage later. This will allow you to pick up on subtleties that may not have been immediately apparent during the lesson itself.

It's also important to seek out feedback from colleagues or mentors who can provide constructive criticism on your teaching practice. Take their input seriously and use it as an opportunity for reflection and growth.

Regular self-reflection is key when developing effective observation skills. Take time after each lesson or unit to reflect on what went well, what didn't, and what changes could be made moving forward. By doing so consistently over time, these reflections will become second nature - ultimately leading to improved teaching practices overall!

Strategies for Meaningful Feedback in Teacher Observation

In order for teacher observation and development to be effective, it is essential that meaningful feedback is provided. This can be achieved through a variety of strategies, including using specific examples and evidence to support feedback, offering suggestions for improvement rather than criticism, and emphasising the positive aspects of teaching.

Professional noticing plays an important role in this process by helping observers recognise areas of strengths and weaknesses in a teacher's performance. By developing effective observation skills, educators can provide constructive feedback that helps teachers grow professionally.

The art of professional noticing in teacher observation and development requires patience, skillful communication, and a genuine desire to help colleagues improve their practice. With these tools at our disposal, we can create supportive learning environments where teachers feel empowered to take risks and grow as professionals.

DEEP Development Kit - Professional Noticing

In the rapidly evolving world of education, professional noticing stands as a key element in transforming your teaching practices. It's about tuning into the nuances of your classroom, understanding your students better, and refining your methods. But how can you effectively achieve this? That's where the DEEP Development Kit comes into play.

Our kit is a tool that combines technology and pedagogical research to help you unlock the power of professional noticing. With the innovative SCRIPT framework, you'll have a systematic approach to observing, analysing, and enhancing your teaching.

Imagine watching a replay of your class, spotting elements you missed in real-time, and using these insights to make your next lesson even more impactful. This is the experience that the DEEP Development Kit provides.

Whether you're a new educator honing your craft or a seasoned teacher seeking a fresh perspective, our kit offers valuable insights that can elevate your teaching practice.

If your ready to transform your teaching through professional noticing, click the button below to learn more about the DEEP Development Kit and take the next step in your professional development journey. Don't just teach—teach DEEP.

Alex Gray

Alex Gray is the Head of Science at an outstanding British School in Dubai. He holds a BSc, PGCE, Masters of Education and NPQLTD. He is cohost of the International Classroom Podcast and Founder of DEEP Professional.


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